Few things are as disheartening to a community pharmacist as having a customer leave the store feeling disappointed or undervalued. Most local pharmacists will take reports of poor customer service as personal failings, since serving others is the very reason most pursue the pharmacy profession. 

At a time when pharmacies face a decrease in profit margins and an increase in competition from box stores and online pharmacies, local pharmacies must prioritize good customer service to build loyalty and ensure continued patronage.

The following is an overview of five essential capabilities available within PrimeRx™ that allow pharmacies to seamlessly provide quality customer service.

  1. Medication Adherence Program

  2. Mobile Apps Allow Patients to Access the Pharmacy at Their Convenience

  3. Loyalty Programs Reward Customers for Repeat Business

  4. Good Communication is Everything!

  5. Beyond PrimeRx™ – Easy Integration with Industry’s Top Customer Service Interfaces