As part of Micro Merchant Systems’ commitment to developing solutions to meet pharmacies’ specific needs, we are pleased to introduce the PrimeRxPAY™ contactless copay feature.

PrimeRxPAY™ allows patients to seamlessly, securely, and safely settle copay balances without any person-to-person interaction. This addresses a significant problem for pharmacies, as they continue to serve patients amid the COVID-19 crisis. The highly contagious virus is known to linger on hard surfaces including, potentially, payment touch pads. PrimeRxPAY™ eliminates the need for patents to come in contact with any point-of-sale equipment.

The following is an overview of how PrimeRxPAY™ works:

  • The pharmacy user logs in to PrimeRx™ and selects all patients from whom copays need to be collected. (The PrimeRx­™ default setting is to pull all prescriptions filled over the last 30 days, since they are more likely to have outstanding copay balances.)
  • Once the pharmacy user selects the specific prescriptions for which copayments are due, the “Send Link for Payment” option is selected, and a text message is saved in each individual’s Patient Profile.
  • The patient clicks on the URL link included in the text, and is directed to, for payment processing. After identification is verified, the patient is provided with an invoice that includes an obscured drug name and prescription number, along with an outstanding balance.
  • The patient then clicks the “Pay” button and is redirected to a secure site and prompted to enter credit card information and complete the payment process. Once the transaction is complete, funds will be automatically deposited in the pharmacy’s account, and a receipt emailed to the patient.

PrimeRxPAY™ is available at no additional cost to PrimeRx™ users.

Contactless copay transaction promote social distancing among patients and pharmacy staff. Please click here to learn more about PrimeRxPAY™.