When Sanjay Sheshadri purchased his pharmacy, Staywell Pharmacy located in Gainesville, Virginia, one of his first big decisions was to select a pharmacy technology system. Now, more than 12 years later, he has come to realize how consequential that decision was, since technology has come to play a leading role in pharmacy operations.

“I spoke with many colleagues, and on their recommendation, I went with PrimeRx,” he said, referring to the pharmacy-based technology system offered by Micro Merchant Systems. There were many reasons for deciding on PrimeRx, but Sheshadri says what really convinced him were the continual system upgrades and steady flow of new solutions.

“I am an independent pharmacy competing against all the chains,” he explained in a recent interview. “PrimeRx helps me stay on an equal footing with great tools that improve efficiency, and just make it easier to help patients.”

This case study was featured in the 2023 National Progress report by Surescripts.

” The Real-Time Benefit solution
allows us to deliver options
and solutions that address the
unique needs of each patient.”

Sanjay Sheshadri, Staywell Pharmacy Owner