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Today, the sky is the limit regarding the volume and scope of third-party interfaces. Technology-based solutions are available that can automate key pharmacy functions and workflows, eliminate paper records, provide instant access to patient drug formularies, identify coupons and rebates, automate compliance processes, facilitate delivery programs, allow complete visibility into inventory, sales, and other business metrics, and so on. Pharmacies are more efficient, and patients are better served because of third-party interfaces.

PrimeRx™ currently offers direct integration with approximately 100 interfaces.

Micro Merchant Systems is careful to only select third-party solutions that are truly effective and provide meaningful results for its pharmacy customers.

Several of these solutions are described in the download whitepaper. As the overview will make clear, third-party solutions provide capabilities that allow pharmacies unmatched levels of automation and efficiency. Working in tandem with the powerful PrimeRx™ management system, pharmacies have never had more innovative and useful technology tools at their disposal.